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National English Skills Student Workbook 9 Second edition


The second edition of the National English Skills 7–10 full-colour workbook series has been fully revised to reflect the content descriptions of the Australian Curriculum, Version 9.0. The series covers the Language, Literature and Literacy strands, addresses cross-curriculum priorities, and supports state-based curriculum requirements.

The focus of National English Skills is on developing the reading, writing, speaking, listening and thinking skills that are at the heart of the Australian Curriculum. It seeks through a diversity of high-interest texts to engage the interest of students and to enrich their English experience.

In addition to literary texts, it draws on multimodal texts from newspapers, films, popular culture, the internet and more. Texts have been chosen to represent a wide variety of cultural perspectives, including First Nations and Asian.


  • Skills-based approach to language, literature and literacy
  • Rich range of text types for analysis and interpretation, including narrative, persuasive, informative and visual texts
  • Strong focus on comprehension strategies, spelling and vocabulary development, and an understanding of grammar and language
  • Two new units included in each workbook
  • Popular unit topics that teachers can readily integrate into their teaching program
  • Opportunities for students to create written, spoken and multimodal texts
  • Suitable for both classroom use and homework tasks

 Each Student Workbook is supported by an accompanying Teacher Book with answers.

For all enquiries, please contact Matilda Education at:



1300 277 235

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