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Macmillan Essential English QCE Units 1&2 Student Book + Digital

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Macmillan Essential English has been written specifically for the new 2019 Queensland Essential English syllabus. It focuses on preparing students for assessment success, and building lifelong literacy and communication skills.

Structured using sequences of double-page spreads, the textbook is designed around accessible, high-engagement, multimodal texts to deliver syllabus outcomes and prepare students for assessment. Each lesson-sized spread focuses on a specific concept, skill or outcome, scaffolded using Marzano's taxonomy of cognitive processes. Students can see at a glance what they're working towards, understand the application of their learning and be empowered as functional and purposeful language users across a range of modes and media.

Key features:

  • A bold design that presents engaging, self-contained content in double-page spreads
  • A clear, scaffolded pathway through each unit that explicitly develops the skills needed to complete assessment tasks 
  • Skills & Strategy spreads provide opportunities for students to focus on and build key skills and strategies
  • Text is underpinned by explicit teaching and modelling of key concepts followed by practise
  • Activities are scaffolded using Marzano's taxonomy cognitive processes.

Click here to see how this product connects to the 2021 Common Internal Assessment.

To view a sample of Macmillan Essential English click here

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