Macmillan Essential English has been written specifically for the new 2019 Queensland Essential English syllabus. It focuses on preparing students for assessment success, and building lifelong literacy and communication skills.
Structured using sequences of double-page spreads, the textbook is designed around accessible, high-engagement, multimodal texts to deliver syllabus outcomes and prepare students for assessment. Each lesson-sized spread focuses on a specific concept, skill or outcome. Students can see at a glance what they're working towards, understand the application of their learning and be empowered as functional and purposeful language users across a range of modes and media.
Features include:
- Double page spreads
- Skills & Strategy spreads
- Modelling of the four assessment tasks, covering all syllabus objectives
- Explicit teaching and modelling of key concepts followed by practice.
This product includes both a print copy of the text and access to the digital edition.
Click here to view a sample of Essential English.
Units 3 & 4 Table of Contents
Unit 3: Language that Influences
1. Changing the world
Topic 1: Creating and shaping persepectives on community, local and global issues in texts
2. Media watch
Topic 2: Responding to texts that seek to influence audiences
Summative Internal Assessment 1
Summative Internal Assessment 2
Unit 3 Self-review
Unit 4: Representations and Popular Culture Texts
3. Isn't it iconic
Topic 3: Responding to popular culture texts
4. Truth, justice and the Australian way
Topic 4: Creating representations of Australian identities, places, events and concepts
Summative Internal Assessment 3
Summative Internal Assessment 4
Unit 4 Self-review
Click here to see how this product connects to the 2021 Common Internal Assessment
View a sample of the product here